About ME

Hi, I'm Narciso A. Alvaira Jr. but you can call me "Ryan". I'm a passionate person who loves technology and has a lot of interest on it. Looking and searching for something new on the internet everyday becomes by hobby because i loved to increase my knowledge with the help of the internet. One of my interest is creating and developing beautiful and functional websites because it gives me the challenge to face all of the problems that i can encounter on designing and coding. I'm a kind of person who loves coffee and music because they became my realiever when stress hits me.

  • Date of Birth:January 21, 1997
  • Diploma in Internet Technology ( ACLC Batangas )

I'm a 21 years old fresh graduate student from ACLC Batangas currently looking for an office based job where i can use my skills and enhance it as well. Aside from developing websites, talking with someone using english language is one of my favorite habits because it makes me feel the intense excitement that i never felt before. I may not be perfect on using this language but I'm keeping myself on learning to improve it and to be a good communicator to everyone. Because for me having a good communicational skills can help you to succeed in life and that's the reason why continous learning is a must for me.

Great experiences...

On my college days, I became the leader on our thesis study for a start-up restaurant company. We created a fully responsive website including all the informations that the customer would like to know. Because of that I learn how to work with a team and how to handle them as well. Since it was my first time on handling a team it becomes hard for me to do it right. But later on, I realized it is a chance not everyone can have. So i take it as a challenge because i really like challenges. It gives me the drive to develop myself more. I'm not afraid of failure because i believe that all of us can have a successful career. It just depends on you if you give up on striving for your goals or continuous it until you got it.

Have concerns? Dont be hesitate to message me.